I don't know what's wrong with the input form in Blogger but whatever it is is making me type in plain text.
My sis was asking me the other day why discrimination existed, because she had a male colleague who got kicked out of his house by his dad for having a Malay Muslim girlfriend. This elicited an uncharacteristically profound response from me, involving evolutionary theory and our tribal past. Not to mention a hypothesis that the same instinct to discriminate is probably equally responsible for loyalty. Therefore, until the day that discrimination actually becomes detrimental to human survival, it's likely to stick around for some time.
Class outing on Friday was a blast. Peixuan, Yoch, Guangyuan, Junrong, Khaiphang, Xiuli, Swees, Victor/En Qi turned up! Glad to see that none of us has changed in the least bit. I believe we're all past the age where we change too drastically. Character-wise. Anyway as it turned out I was in an antagonistic sort of mood. But it's all in good fun :D
Tuition isn't all it's cracked up to be. I could've watched a movie this evening, or ran, or gymmed, but no I have to face 7 kids simultaneously clamouring for attention. I'm seriously beginning to wonder if the $25/hr rate is worth it all. And the fact that that tuition centre crook is taking $250 from me this month isn't helping one bit.
Thing is, I don't know exactly how much me and Jeryle are actually helping those poor souls. Every time we go there, they are flooded with homework. Homework that doesnt even help. I mean, what's the use of learning all those idioms if your vocab and grammar are still screwed? So it's damned if we go through their homework, damned if we don't and focus on something else. Oh and don't even get me started on the fact that they're putting an 11-year old kid with the other sec 2s. Somebody out there has a devious scheme, and we've unwittingly become a part of it.
My sis was asking me the other day why discrimination existed, because she had a male colleague who got kicked out of his house by his dad for having a Malay Muslim girlfriend. This elicited an uncharacteristically profound response from me, involving evolutionary theory and our tribal past. Not to mention a hypothesis that the same instinct to discriminate is probably equally responsible for loyalty. Therefore, until the day that discrimination actually becomes detrimental to human survival, it's likely to stick around for some time.
Class outing on Friday was a blast. Peixuan, Yoch, Guangyuan, Junrong, Khaiphang, Xiuli, Swees, Victor/En Qi turned up! Glad to see that none of us has changed in the least bit. I believe we're all past the age where we change too drastically. Character-wise. Anyway as it turned out I was in an antagonistic sort of mood. But it's all in good fun :D
Tuition isn't all it's cracked up to be. I could've watched a movie this evening, or ran, or gymmed, but no I have to face 7 kids simultaneously clamouring for attention. I'm seriously beginning to wonder if the $25/hr rate is worth it all. And the fact that that tuition centre crook is taking $250 from me this month isn't helping one bit.
Thing is, I don't know exactly how much me and Jeryle are actually helping those poor souls. Every time we go there, they are flooded with homework. Homework that doesnt even help. I mean, what's the use of learning all those idioms if your vocab and grammar are still screwed? So it's damned if we go through their homework, damned if we don't and focus on something else. Oh and don't even get me started on the fact that they're putting an 11-year old kid with the other sec 2s. Somebody out there has a devious scheme, and we've unwittingly become a part of it.