Sunday, May 31, 2009

WIP: UKBound '09 Dance Competition Poster

*edit*: i've gotten some feedback since. huijin and joan commented, to my shock and horror, that not enough skin was being exposed on the girl.
jx: I thought not.
anne: yes owned
auriond: thanks! i've coloured it since though and i dont really feel like changing it..will take note though.

Haven't really had a chance to relax since exams ended..first it was packing stuff then it was housing and now got two posters to do for UKBound - one for the dance competition and one for the clubbing event. Specifications: dance competition one has a hip-hop guy+girl, clubbing event one involves a sexy girl (i would never dream of drawing a sexy girl of my own free will oh NO)

Ahem so here's a little sketch of the dance one I threw together today:

tell me, if you were a student in JC and saw this plastered on your walls would it make you feel like dancing?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The guy's good! The girl... there's something about her that's a bit off though. A bit too stiff maybe? Right arm too far back. If she's turning towards the camera her right arm is not likely to be farther back than her left. See and for pose references.

May 31, 2009 at 7:55 PM  

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