Friday, March 2, 2007

AC Arts Nite

I keep forgetting that I'm have ridiculously low levels of caffeine ice mocha at 6 plus=eternal state of awakenness (also known as Enlightenment) At least I think I managed 4 hours of sleep last night..

I went back to Holland V yesterday with Hong Xuan and Aston..that place brings back more memories than I thought it would. We proceeded to drink at Breko but I'm not all that into that's how I ended up with that cursed cup of coffee.

And when that was done with, I headed down to ACJC for Arts nite to watch Charlene's debut performance. (as a singer) I love AC's colour scheme..RJ/RI was green where I would've liked it to be blue, so AC was perfect that way. So I met up with Shane, whom I'd met online the night before. He's a councillor, an all-round great guy to talk to and has a twin. (they remind me A LOT of a certain set of twins in RJ)

There was no shortage of bands, most of em as bad as what we get in RJ...unfortunately. Except for two particularly tight bands that could actually balance out the sound levels. And that band at the end...fwah I tell you..superb showmanship.

Charlene was pretty nervous about the whole thing, but she pulled it off. Kelly Clarkson's A Moment Like This and I forget the other one. Except for the low mic volume and maybe one part where I think she faltered a bit, she did a great job.

The thing is, she didn't seem to think so and was visibly upset. Which really reminded me of the guitar concert last year where I screwed up the solo and possibly everything else. I was so distraught immediately after that that I told myself: never again. No more performances, cos I'm not cut out for it. I went around asking everyone if I sounded like crap and, despite reassurances from all around that it was decent, I went away from that performance feeling like the world's biggest loser. On hindsight, it wasn't all THAT bad, but nothing in the world could have convinced me at the time.

I think she said something along the lines of "this won't be the last," which automatically makes her a winner, as opposed to me who was quite ready to smash my guitar and learn the harmonica at the time.

BTW, here's some steak reviews from Colin: Mad Jack steak sucks at $11 (weight undisclosed). Aston's steak is pricey at $21 while Botak Jones is $19 (300g).


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