Let's see..went to Navy Open House on Friday and got sunburnt, met up with Lin Yan that evening but was so tired I had to cut the meeting short :( so I went home, zonked out and continued slacking around Saturday morning.
Went all the way to Tovya's house at Bukit Timah for an informal band prac with Tov, Ray and Elaine. It's been a long time since we last played together, and Runaway sounds as epic as ever, even on acoustic. Also tried doing My Hero by Paramore, which turned out great. If everything goes well, we're gonna do an acoustic set at Ben n Jerry's on 16th June for some bone marrow donation programme or something. Hope this gig is for real. I've seen the instruments at BNJ but never actually saw anyone play there before, so I'm pretty stoked about it.
As for the rest of the week..
Monday: Gym with Soon, then Ajitei with Soon, ZH and Colin followed by Mud Ooze at Ms Clarity. It was, I'm afraid, one mud ooze too many. Gonna lay off it for a long time, if not for good. Went Chinatown with family and finally tracked down RANOR RAMLY BURGER which is not just any Ramly burger. Get this- patty sliced in half, a dash of curry powder, a bit of margarine and a slice of cheese, topped with mayo, Worchester/BBQ sauce and wrapped in egg. Heaven for $2.50.
Tuesday: nothing at all. gee.
Wednesday: rejected by med, went Big Fish for dinner. Fish & Co. still reigns supreme.
Thursday: Had a rather brief gathering with primary school classmates-ended up playing xbox 360 the whole time. And then-here I am in office.
Got nothing lined up for tomorrow, but saturday's gonna be band prac at Tov's house again. Even though I really should go for practice with Ken and Ruiyang and company because 1. my amp's still with him and without it I can't do anything 2. they're practising with a pro singer and I want to meet her. But I suppose Mr Pink's the priority now cos we actually have a gig coming up.
Went all the way to Tovya's house at Bukit Timah for an informal band prac with Tov, Ray and Elaine. It's been a long time since we last played together, and Runaway sounds as epic as ever, even on acoustic. Also tried doing My Hero by Paramore, which turned out great. If everything goes well, we're gonna do an acoustic set at Ben n Jerry's on 16th June for some bone marrow donation programme or something. Hope this gig is for real. I've seen the instruments at BNJ but never actually saw anyone play there before, so I'm pretty stoked about it.
As for the rest of the week..
Monday: Gym with Soon, then Ajitei with Soon, ZH and Colin followed by Mud Ooze at Ms Clarity. It was, I'm afraid, one mud ooze too many. Gonna lay off it for a long time, if not for good. Went Chinatown with family and finally tracked down RANOR RAMLY BURGER which is not just any Ramly burger. Get this- patty sliced in half, a dash of curry powder, a bit of margarine and a slice of cheese, topped with mayo, Worchester/BBQ sauce and wrapped in egg. Heaven for $2.50.
Tuesday: nothing at all. gee.
Wednesday: rejected by med, went Big Fish for dinner. Fish & Co. still reigns supreme.
Thursday: Had a rather brief gathering with primary school classmates-ended up playing xbox 360 the whole time. And then-here I am in office.
Got nothing lined up for tomorrow, but saturday's gonna be band prac at Tov's house again. Even though I really should go for practice with Ken and Ruiyang and company because 1. my amp's still with him and without it I can't do anything 2. they're practising with a pro singer and I want to meet her. But I suppose Mr Pink's the priority now cos we actually have a gig coming up.