1. (the person who tagged you is) -Larissa
2. (your relationship with him/her is) - Friend/Band Manager
3. (5 impressions you have of him/her) - outgoing/independent/intelligent/mature/sweet
4. (the most memorable thing he/she has done for you) - taught me how to shop for cologne
5. (the most memorable words he/she has said to you) - "=D" this must be her favourite emoticon. which is great because it's my favourite too!
6. (if he/she becomes your lover, you will) - nah I'll leave jem and her alone (:
7. (if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be) - ditto. the person who made this meme is very persistent.
8. (if he/she becomes your enemy, you will) - suffer a crushing defeat under her superior debating prowess
9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be) - me insulting her height
10. (the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is) - tell her a joke
11. (your overall impression of him/her is) - I have so much to learn from her!
12. (how you think people around you will feel about you) - "he's weird"
13. (the characteristic you love about yourself is) - i’m weird
14. (the characteristic you hate about yourself is) - my inertia. sort of like in field camp, when you stand up you don't want to sit down, and when you sit down you don't want to stand up.
15. (the most ideal person you want to be is) - no one really! sort of a cross between all the people I respect and admire..
16. (for people that care and like you, say something to them) - potatoes are an excellent source of carbs
17. (pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you)
1. Soon Heng
2. Tovya
3. Charlene
4. Nik
5. En Qi
6. back atcha Larissa
7. JX
8. Wenhui
9. Fenglei
10. Vicky
(who is no.6 having a relationship with?) - jeremy!
(Is no.9 a male or female?) - male
(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?) - oooh great things will happen!
(What is no.2 studying?) - architecture
(When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?) - a while back. I think she's stressed.
(What kind of music does no.8 like?) - a lot of stuff
(Does no.1 has any siblings?) - younger brother
(Will you woo no.3?) - totally. hey charlene! "woooo~"
(How about no.7?) - he's a guy.
(Is no.4 single?) - yah
(What’s the surname of no.5?) - Teo
(What’s the hobby of no.4?) - singing
(Do no.5 and 9 get along well?) - this is a weird meme.
(Where is no.2 studying at?) - this meme is obsessed with what and where no. 2 is studying.
(Say something casual about no.1) - BRUDDER!! :D
(Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?) - uh..she's my sister
(Where does no.9 live?) - sengkang.
(What colour does no.4 like?) - I'm bored
(Are no.5 and 1 best friends?) - maybe I'll go see what's on TV
(Does no.7 like no.2?) - or see if the shoe cupboard needs arranging
(How did you get to know no.2?) - when I joined Mr Pink. by the way, are we still Mr Pink?
(Does no.1 have any pets?) - he benchpresses a baby elephant
(Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?) - almost
Labels: meme