three months to ORD
Met up with the ORD and soon-to-ORD personnel Aston, Soon and Marcus at Orchard where we lunched and lazed around at Starbucks. Aston was lamenting about the "urban legend" of his being a playboy to the three of us when we spotted this rather cute girl working there.
Aston nonchalantly muttered, "TP."
"She's from TPJC. I know her."
The trouble with that man is he doesn't know how to follow through with a good lie...
We then hopped over to Lucky Plaza for pool before going to watch RE Extinction. It was going to be my second time watching it. It looked like we were going to be late, but decided to take our time anyway.
Me: "Well even if we miss the first part it's nothing much. It's just Milla Jovovich waking up naked..again. Did you guys notice for the past two movies she's been waking up na.."
Aston, Soon and Marcus: *scramble up escalator*
After that, dinner at Marmalade Pantry. ORD personnel + birthday boys Colin and Sara's treat. Frankly I didn't think much of the food there..pretty much reminded me of Aerin's - mediocre service and overpriced. We saw Kumar on the way there. His waist is thinner than a wasp's.
After-dinner drinks was at Aston's brother's bar S-Club at Purvis Street. Lots of drinking games though I tried not to drink where possible. It was simply not possible to walk into a bar and not drink. Soon wowed the crowd with his semiprofessional crooning. I too requested a song but they apparently forgot all about it. Maybe the world isn't ready for my voice.
..and now, because I'm not in a mood to write descriptive prose, I shall let the pictures speak for themselves.

happy times
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