Friday, November 2, 2007

temporary respite!

Had breakfast at Bedok BK after night duty..I swear there are few things more satisfying than a Croissanwich meal after duty. To think I've been torturing myself with the cookhouse rations for a year.
On the way home I passed by the day care centre and peered in; the caregiver was cooing "is this beautiful? beautiful? Yes you're right, this is beautiful!" as she held up a yellow skirt. Then she held up a different piece of clothing, asking "which is more beautiful? the other one?"
I wonder if this was how we were all taught to recognise beauty. I suppose we are all born knowing certain basic elements of beauty in its most obvious sense - colour, form, symmetry. But a lot of what we take to be beautiful is learnt.

Plenty of stuff coming up! NUS talk/jamming at Tovya's place tomorrow, Soon/Clong's birthday/ORD celebrations the day after, meeting up with Jacq on Monday, Soon's ORD treat on Tues, -maybe- a trip to the art museum on Thursday! And NO TUITION next week! hoho life is good! oh and I felt rather relieved yesterday when Soon told me how he too dreaded teaching those kids, how he never dreads teaching other students. I was beginning to think I didn't have the stomach for teaching. Guess it's not just me after all!
After watching Fight Club yesterday, I felt inspired to embark on a lengthy discourse on how it attacks consumerism and how people try to make meaning of their otherwise pointless existence through consumerism.

However, the first rule of Fight Club is..

..and so I didn't.



Everyone and his uncle and his pet hamster seem to have a video of themselves playing guitar on YouTube so I decided to record one of my own this afternoon

to put things in context, I have been neglecting guitar for the longest time so I'm as rusty as my strings. I overlaid the original recording (back when I could play) over the video because it would be too much of a chore to listen to otherwise

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