Sunday, November 11, 2007

most interesting..

Roslyn said the most intriguing thing the other day on MSN. I'd told her I was killing time online before going to bed at 1030. And she said this:

“isn't a man of your age supposed to be busy partying?

I thought about it, and yeah, come to think of it when I was seventeen I sort of imagined people in their twenties to be out drinking/clubbing/at a rock show all day too. I thought they'd learnt the ways of the world and were a really sophisticated, worldly-wise bunch of people. Now that I'm twenty, I know otherwise. I know that at twenty-five people don't feel any different from when they were JC kids. Heck, some twenty-seven and even thirty-plus year-olds I know still haven't gotten most things figured out.

About the partying. I suppose there has been wayy more of that than in JC. But for the most part I'm still doing things like..killing time in front of the computer before I turn in at 1030. Anyways drinking is bad for the liver. And the wallet. Unless drinks are on the house in which case you throw caution to the wind and then hopefully live to regret it later.

But then she went on to say that well, she forgot that I was only 20 and that she didn't think 20 was that old after all. Haha! Case closed.



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