Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Clubs have this effect of transforming people. The thumping music, the lights, and most of all, the alcohol - all of these elements hijack your senses in a typical night out at the club. Some people remain remarkably congruent with their usual selves; but most people I've observed will either teeter on the edge of their sanity or become a different person altogether. You step into a club, you step into a different world - a world where everything is fast-paced, dynamic, and driven by alcohol. A world where you are prone to doing stupid things and stupid things happen to you.

For this reason, the club and the reality outside are often best kept separate from each other. It's safest to go in there, let whatever will be be and then come out of it pretending nothing happened. Complications happen when your reality is brought into the club. And thus you get all these stories of people kissing and insisting they were drunk, otherwise innocent people allegedly trying to grind their friends etc.

Which was the case the other night at UK Bound. It's so interesting to watch people take on different personas and abuse their liquid courage. And as onlookers we have to feel embarrassed for them, cos they obviously can't do it themselves.

Nightclubs are all about hooking up. Nobody actually goes there "just to dance" or "enjoy the music", and anyone who claims they do is either making excuses or isn't too sure why they're there either. Which is why, kids, you don't bring friends into a nightclub unless you plan on hooking up with them. Or if you have to, at least try not to make an ass of yourself.



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