Mark finally got his Nintendo Wii! So he had Soon Heng, Colin, Aston, Benison, Sng and myself over to test it out for him last Friday.
Now Mark's house is really impressive. Really really impressive. There's the entertainment room, complete with four different gaming consoles, an exercise machine, a nifty hemisphere on which I simply couldn't balance on, tons of board games and..uh..couches! There's the lift. There's that beautiful stairwell which I adored but didn't manage to get a picture of. And then there's the home theatre which is the first home theatre I've seen which justifies the term "home theatre". It's a shame that he's moving out next year! Give me leh..
The Nintendo Wii will be the best piece of slimming/exercise equipment since DDR. We started out with Wiiports Boxing and I was really into it, only to regret it arm still aches..
I also got a bit overenthusiatic with baseball, only to learn that enthusiasm alone doesn't get one least not when you're playing against Aston. Tennis was slightly less interesting, cos you have no control of where the player goes.
We then switched to Marvel Alliance, which offered a reall fresh way of playing third person adventure games. You hold one half of the nunchucks in the nondominant hand and move your character around using a knob, while your dominant hand holds the Wii and executes all the attacks.
The hospital game was no less play as a noob surgeon taking directions from an attractive senior nurse in a futuristic world where placing tissue over a wound will magically seal it up and where you can keep a patient alive with shots of what I assumed was adrenaline yet you are given a time limit to save the patient which leads one to wonder why you cannot just have the nurse shoot the patient with adrenaline while you operate *gasp* In any case, my notoriously buay steady hands successfully killed off a patient in the first level T_T
Dinner was a real treat..although I was feeling really awkward throughout to have Mark's parents serve us. But I must say, they really make superb hosts and I think it was rather bad of us not to have thanked them personally before we left :(
There was onion soup, bread, cheese, pate, duck, steak (which was excellent), caesar salad, mashed potato, wine and cake. After-dinner entertainment was a short clip of James Bond fencing (for some reaason I really don't recall that scene)
Oh and thanks again for sponsoring my cab fare people! :D